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Racial Health Inequities in San Francisco

Racial Health Inequities in San Francisco Trauma-informed approach to systems and community transformation I gave a talk at the HOAC/CCLHO Semi-Annual Conference in Bakersfield, CA, May 4, 2017. The theme of the conference was Public Health Strategies to Address Bias . They asked me to speak on how the San Francisco Department of Public Health approaches Black/African American Health. In the slides below I summarize the inspiring work of dedicated staff and communities in San Francisco. This represents a small fraction of the great work taking place in San Francisco. Racial Health Inequities in San Francisco, CA from Tomas J. Aragon Comment: The graphic at the top of the page represents the reality for Black/African Americans in the United States (see, for example, the Academy Award nominated documentary  13th  ( ). The truth is that we are all affected. The  concentration of US wealth  is unprecedented in our history. As a nation

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