Racial Health Inequities in San Francisco

Racial Health Inequities in San Francisco

Trauma-informed approach to systems and community transformation

I gave a talk at the HOAC/CCLHO Semi-Annual Conference in Bakersfield, CA, May 4, 2017. The theme of the conference was Public Health Strategies to Address Bias. They asked me to speak on how the San Francisco Department of Public Health approaches Black/African American Health. In the slides below I summarize the inspiring work of dedicated staff and communities in San Francisco. This represents a small fraction of the great work taking place in San Francisco.

Comment: The graphic at the top of the page represents the reality for Black/African Americans in the United States (see, for example, the Academy Award nominated documentary 13th (http://www.avaduvernay.com/13th/). The truth is that we are all affected. The concentration of US wealth is unprecedented in our history. As a national community with increases in automation, artificial intelligence, and productivity, we have the ability to provide social and economic protections to everyone. Instead, the United States is moving backwards: increasing concentrations of wealth, increasing incarceration of the most vulnerable (poor, people of color, and immigrants), and decreasing social and economic protections.

We are all affected and we are all vulnerable. Yes---all of us! It is only a matter of time before automation, artificial intelligence, and outsourcing takes our jobs that we take for granted.

HOAC = Health Officers Association of California
CCLHO = California Conference of Local Health Officers


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