
Population health lean--videos

Population Health Division, SFDPH

PHIL Talk: Initiating Quality Improvement


Design thinking

Stanford Design Thinking Virtual Crash Course

Stanford Webinar - Design Thinking = Method, Not Magic

Stanford Webinar - Apply Design Thinking in Your Work

Lean startup

The Lean Startup (30min, Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup)

Stanford Webinar - The Design Thinking Hybrid: An Evolution of Innovation

Lean production

The improvement kata in 10 minutes (10min, Bob Costantino)

Introduction to A3 Thinking (10min, Stanford Quality Improvement)

Scientific thinking for everyone (11min, Mike Rother)

The role of kata in lean (5min, Mike Rother)

Collect impact methods

Results-Based Accountability (55min, Mark Friedman)

Leadership topics

Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love, and Leadership (40min John Dickson)

Start with why: How great leaders inspire action (18min Simon Sinek)


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